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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center

The Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center serves as a gatekeeper of public investment procurement by enhancing efficiency and transparency of public and private investment management and provides various consulting services and research to improve related policies and analytical tools.
Department of
Markets and

Mission and History


An affiliated body of Korea Development Institute (KDI), PIMAC was established as a merger of Public Investment Management Center (PIMA) at KDI and Private Infrastructure Investment Center of Korea (PICKO) at Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement (KRIHS) with the amendment of the Act on Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure in January 2005.

PIMAC History
  • Jan. 2005

    Establishment of Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center (PIMAC) within KDI

    • Integration of PIMA and PICKO of KRIHS
    • Introduction of Build-Transfer-Lease method and adoption of Value for Money test (RFP review) policy
  • Jan. 2000

    Establishment of Public Investment Center (PIMA) within KDI

    • Enhancing fiscal productivity
  • April. 1999

    Establishment of Private Infrastructure Investment Center of Korea (PICKO) of Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements(KRIHS)

    • Supporting implementation and management of PPP projects
  • Enhance efficiency and transparency of the national fiscal management by objectively assessing public investment projects
    • Field of assessments
      • Conventional Procurement
      • PPP Procurement
      • Public Institution Investment
      • Tax Expenditure Evaluation
    • Areas of Activities
      • Preliminary Feasibility Study
      • Reassessment Study of Feasibility
      • PPP Project's Value for Money Test
      • Support PPP projects(formulating Request for Proposals, evaluation of project proposal, and negotiation with potential concessionaire)
      • Develop policies and plans on PPPs
      • Provide capacity building programs for public officials
      • Provide managerial services for PPP database
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