온라인 스포츠 베팅

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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



Vision & Mission

  • Vision
    Research Excellence

    KDI has been a vanguard of research excellence for well over half a century. Reaching objective conclusions through science-based research is not only a source of pride as a world-renowned think tank but also an essential element for the leadership in the social discourse.

    Policy Insight

    While KDI’s research is grounded in academic rigor, it places a strong emphasis on delivering timely policy insights and perspectives that foster the betterment of our society.

  • Mission

    KDI will uphold its mission to make substantive contributions to the government and society, as well as to the public and private sectors, by providing timely and effective policy alternatives. By continuously executing its mission, KDI will propose policy recommendations that will become the core foundation of the nation’s economic growth. In addition, KDI will maximize its organizational capacity as an international policy institute that serves as a resourceful compass for economic policymakers worldwide.

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World's Leading Think Tank, Korea Development Institute

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