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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



Center for International Development

The Center for International Development (CID) is dedicated to the enhancement of development cooperation by providing consultations and sharing in-depth regional and sectoral research outputs. CID is also building partnerships with governments, development agencies, institutions and the private sector to carry out joint projects and enhance the impact of its development cooperation activities.
Department of
Markets and

Global Partnership

As the global community demands more cooperation from CID and KDI, by expanding global partnerships with international organizations and other development agencies, CID has undertaken numerous cooperation projects.

In May 2016, it was designated as a knowledge partner of the Global Facility on Growth for Development (GFGD) Project, jointly established with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Korea (MOEF), and the World Bank (WB). Since then, CID has established collaborative partnerships with the Asia Development Bank (ADB), Asian Productivity Organization (APO), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB Invest, International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Brookings Institution.

Project List

Year Partner Topic
2023 Brookings Institution KDI-Brookings Joint Seminar: Productivity in a Time of Change
2023 Asian Productivity
Organization (APO)
APO Productivity Outlook 2024
Development of National Productivity Master Plan for Sri Lanka
2023 Asian Development
Bank (ADB)
5th Annual Meeting of the ADB, Korea Seminar Day 'REBOUNDING ASIA: Recover, Reconnect, and Reform
2022~2023 European Bank for
Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD)
Knowledge Management Project for Egypt "Government’s Startup Ecosystem Support in Korea”
2022 Asian Productivity
Organization (APO)
APO Productivity Outlook 2023
Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Pakistan
A Policy Study on Productivity-enhancing Economic Structural Change in UMICs
2022 International Labor
Organization (ILO)
Knowledge Building on Korean MSME Policies Initiatives and Industry Practices, and Facilitation of India-Korea Industry Engagement
2021 Asian Productivity
Organization (APO)
APO Productivity Outlook 2022
Manufacturing Labor Productivity: Trends and Linkages
2021 Asian Development
Bank (ADB)
Supporting National Development Planning toward Recovery from COVID-19
2021 Inter American
Bank (IDB) Invest
Research on the Digital Transformation and Ecosystem of Korea applicable to LAC companies
2020 Asian Productivity
Organization (APO)
Development of Lao PDR National Productivity Master Plan
2020 World Bank (WB) Impact of COVID-19 on the Employment Permit System
2019 Asian Productivity
Organization (APO)
Vietnam National Productivity Master Plan: Toward Innovation-driven Development
2019 Inter American
Development Bank
Knowledge Exchange and Research on Korean Experience with Infrastructure Services for Latin America and the Caribbean
2019 Equatorial Guinea Consulting Services as Knowledge Partner for the 3rd National Economic Conference
2016~2019 World Bank (WB) · Global Facility on Growth and Development (GFGD)
  • · Macroeconomy, ICT, Finance, Industry, Fiscal Policy, Infrastructure, PPP, SOE Reform, Rural Development
  • · 1st Round: Bhutan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Uganda, Ghana
  • · 2nd Round: Paraguay, Iran, Belarus, Solomon Islands, Sao Tome and Principe, Zambia, South Africa, Malawi, Kosovo, Rwanda
  • · 3rd Round: Western Balkans, Cameroon
2018 World Bank (WB) Labor Market Policies and Programs for Skills Shortages and Changing Demands
2018 European Bank for
Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD)
Developing a Joint Knowledge Product
2017 United Nations
Programme (UNDP)
15-year Perspective Plan Background Studies, National Planning Commission of Ethiopia
2017 Abu Dhabi Fund for
Development (ADFD)
Feasibility Study for Export Finance Program
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