온라인 스포츠 베팅

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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



Regulatory Studies

Center for Regulatory Studies examines institutional arrangements and advocates new policies to promote competition and innovation, and to enhance the national safety.
Department of
Markets and
Regulatory Impact Analysis
  • Regulatory impact analysis

    Regulatory impact analysis is the objective and scientific examination of and projections for the impact of regulations on society, economy and administrative process to present appropriate criteria for the assessment of regulatory feasibility. This helps regulators seek and design policy measures to broadly review and compare the cost and benefit, spillover effect and effectiveness of regulations and any alternatives, and they are encouraged to select and provide only the optimum regulatory alternatives via a reasonable decision-making process.

  • Review of regulatory impact analysis papers

    The Center reviews the propriety of cost-benefit analysis results drafted and submitted by various ministries and calls for the necessary revisions in order to enhance the effectiveness of the regulatory impact analysis system and contribution to the improvement of regulation quality.

  • Consultation and education

    The Center, independently or in collaboration with competent ministries, provides educational and training programs on respective automatic systems and report writing to strengthen the capacity of regulatory impact analyses.

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