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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



Economic Information and Education Center (EIEC)

With the aim of enhancing the public's understanding of the economy and fostering responsiveness to the changing economic conditions at home and abroad, the Economic Information and Education Center (EIEC) undertakes diverse tasks including providing economic information, conducting policy opinion surveys, supporting economic education at schools, organizing virtual and off line training programs, conducting analysis of and data development for the digital economy, and building a policy platform.
Department of
Markets and
Economic materials Development
  • e-Economic Information Review Online Quarterly Magazine

    As the digital transformation progresses rapidly, we are confronted with the need to adapt to the ongoing changes in society and the economy. In this regard, EIEC launched the quarterly online magazine e-Economic Information Review in 2019.

    The magazine features videos, articles, social media analysis, public survey and infographics on pressing challenges and the latest technical innovations such as “Digital Platform”, “Blockchain and Bitcoin”, “Smart City”, “Artificial Intelligence (AI)”, “Cloud computing”, “Digital Healthcare”, “Metaverse,” and so on.

    The overall objective of the magazine is to improve public understanding of new developments in knowledge and technology, or the drivers of socio-economic structural change, and to serve as a basis for further research.

  • Policy Platform

    EIEC operates a Policy Lab-working groups-led by field experts, which explores policy agendas related to innovation and economic growth. These agendas are shared through the Open Innovation Policy Platform website (www.oipp. kr) and at year-end conferences.

    EIEC launched the Young Working Group, where young people can participate in the policymaking process. By utilizing a bottom-up approach for agenda-setting, the Policy Lab will be the key to solving problems arising from fast technological, social, cultural and economic changes.

    The OECD is responding to these changes through the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI). Likewise, EIEC will continue to expand its networks in line with global trends.

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