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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



G20 Conference

G20 Global Financial Stability Conference (GFSC) Since 2013, the G20 Global Financial Stability Conference has been bringing together the world’s leading academics, researchers, and experts to share a global look at international finance's current state and discuss key implications and countermeasures. Co-hosted by the Korea Development Institute (KDI) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Korea, this annual event is held back-to-back with the G20 International Finance Architecture Working Group meeting to enable fluid policy dialogues. At the conference, our distinguished speakers from academia, think tanks, and international financial institutions present today’s most pressing concerns of the world economy and discuss our next steps to tackle these barriers to global financial stability.

Time Period
SEPTEMBER 20 / 2023 14:00~18:45

G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2023

  • TIME
  • VENUELotte Hotel Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • HOSTSMinistry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), KDI
Letter of Invitation

The “2023 G20 Global Financial Stability Conference”, co-hosted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MOEF) and the Korea Development Institute, will be held on September 20 (Wed), 2023 at Lotte Hotel Seoul.
This conference will address the two themes of ①Challenges of the Global Economy and the International Financial Market in Turbulence, and ②International Financial Diversification and Financial Stability in the Post-Pandemic. In particular, we will delve into the impact of prolonged monetary tightening in major countries on the international financial market, and discuss the reorganization of industrial structure caused by rapid climate change in recent times and its ripple effects. Furthermore, we will explore means to strengthen the global financial safety net amidst the de-globalization trend triggered by the Russia-Ukraine War and worsening Sino-US relations.
This conference is being held in connection with the G20 International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting, co-chaired by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Korea and the Ministry for the Economy and Finance of France. Accordingly, we expect this conference will serve as a meaningful forum for prominent scholars from home and abroad, and G20 member countries’ policy officials, to come together and make a preemptive diagnosis of major challenges in the recent international financial market while discussing response measures.
We ask for your interest and attendance.
September 2023
Kim, Byeong Hwan
1st Vice Minister,
Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Korea

Cho, Dong Chul
President,  Korea Development Institute
SEPTEMBER 20 / 2023 G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2023
14:00 - 14:45 Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech
Opening Address & Keynote Speech
Opening Address
1st Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance
President, Korea Development Institute
“Why is inflation back? Reflexions on other global economic and financial risks.”
Honorary Governor, Bank of France / Former President, European Central Bank
14:45 - 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:45 Session 1. Challenges of the Global Economy and the International Financial Market in Turbulence
Founder and Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
Speaker 1
Post-Pandemic Transition: Monetary Policy and Debt
Aetna Professor, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University
Speaker 2
Meeting the Global Climate Challenge: The Role of Financial Incentives
Lead Economist and Research Manager for Sustainability and Infrastructure, The World Bank
Speaker 3
International Fragmentation
Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
Advisor, Reserve Bank of India
Fellow, Korea Development Institute
Professor, Ajou University
16:45 - 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 - 18:45 Session 2. International Financial Diversification and Financial Stability in the Post-Pandemic
Professor, Yonsei University
Speaker 1
Trends in the Global Use of Major Currencies
Head of Financial Markets, Bank for International Settlements
Speaker 2
Assessing the Geopolitical Threat to Global Financial Infrastructure
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics / Cofounder, Bruegel
Speaker 3
The Current Status and Risk Factors of NBFIs
Professor, Dongguk University
Senior Director, Korea Development Institute
Professor, Korea University
Professor, Yonsei University
  • Kim, Byeong Hwan

    1st Vice Minister,
    Ministry of Economy and Finance

  • Cho, Dong Chul

    President, Korea Development Institute

  • Jean-Claude Trichet

    Honorary Governor,
    Bank of France /
    Former President, European Central Bank

  • Marc Uzan

    Founder and Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee

  • Jason furman

    Aetna Professor,
    Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University

  • Carolyn Fischer

    Lead Economist and Research Manager for Sustainability and
    The World Bank

  • Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti

    Senior Fellow,
    The Brookings Institution

  • Mohua Roy

    Reserve Bank of India

  • Lee, Seung Hyup

    Korea Development Institute

  • Lee, Wang Hwi

    Ajou University

  • Kim, Jun Il

    Yonsei University

  • Andreas Schrimpf

    Head of Financial Markets,
    Bank for International Settlements

  • Nicolas Veron

    Senior Fellow,
    Peterson Institute for International Economics /
    Cofounder, Bruegel

  • Park, Sun Young

    Dongguk University

  • Jeong, Dae Hee

    Senior Director,
    Korea Development Institute

  • Lee, Jong Wha

    Korea University

  • Hahm, Joon Ho

    Yonsei University

SEPTEMBER 21 / 2022 09:30 - 16:50 (KST)

G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2022

  • TIME
  • VENUEThe Plaza Hotel Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • HOSTSMinistry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), KDI
Letter of Invitation

We cordially invite you to the G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2022 scheduled to be held at The Plaza Seoul hotel on Wednesday, September 21, co-hosted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Korea Development Institute. This conference, held in conjunction with the upcoming G20 International Financial Architecture Working Group meeting, will address three main themes: (1) The Global Economic Outlook and the Acceleration of Tightening Monetary Policy, (2) The Role of the Global Financial Safety Net, and (3) The Future of International Financial Architecture.

The conference will examine the impact of the acceleration of tightening monetary policy and geopolitical risks on indebted low-income countries as well as spillovers in international financial markets. It will also explore ways to enhance the governance and efficiency of international financial institutions to strengthen the Global Financial Safety Net.

Furthermore, this conference will analyze the future impact of the growing use of digital assets on financial stability and the resulting shifts in the financial markets. Invaluable insights are to be shared on how the G20 can demonstrate leadership in the context of international financial architecture in tackling global economic challenges including climate change.

We are confident that this conference will serve as a fruitful platform where scholars and G20 policymakers throughout the globe can join together and pool their wisdom to diagnose potential global economic risks and devise countermeasures.
We look forward to welcoming each and every one of you.

September 2022
Bang, Kisun
1st Vice Minister,
Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Korea

Koh, Youngsun
Acting President, Korea Development Institute
SEPTEMBER 21 / 2022 G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2022
09:30 - 10:15 Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech
Opening Address & Keynote Speech
Opening Address
1st Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Korea
Acting President, Korea Development Institute
Congratulatory Address
Vice Chairman, Financial Services Commission
Monetary Policy Coordination: 2022 versus 1982
Professor of Economics, University of California Berkeley
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:15 Session 1. The Global Economic Outlook and the Acceleration of Tightening Monetary Policy
Economic Adviser and Head of Research, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Speaker 1
Global Outlook and Risks
Chief Economist & Director of the Prospects Group, World Bank (WB)
Speaker 2
Policy Responses to Rising Macroeconomic Challenges
Financial Counsellor and Director of Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Speaker 3
Fiscal and Debt Sustainability Issues and Challenges
Chief of Governance Thematic Group, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Director of Office of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Head of Investment Standards & Capital Flows Unit, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
12:15 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:10 Special Remarks
Special Remarks
Governor, Bank Indonesia
14:10 - 15:25 Session 2. The Role of the Global Financial Safety Net
President, Global Solutions Initiative
Speaker 1
Monetary Policy Spillovers after the Pandemic
Professor, University of California Davis
Speaker 2
Geopolitics, Global Financial Safety Net, and IMF Governance
Senior Non-Resident Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)
Associate Fellow, Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Assistant Secretary, Multilateral, Development and Trade Affairs, French Treasury
15:35 - 16:50 Session 3. The Future of International Financial Architecture
Professor, University of Indonesia
Speaker 1
Future of Digital Assets in the Post-Pandemic Era
Head of Financial Stability Policy, Bank of International Settlements (BIS)
Speaker 2
Future-Proofing the International Monetary System
Historian, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Head of e-Finance Division, Bank of Korea (BOK)
President, Global Solutions Initiative
  • Bang, Kisun

    1st Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Korea

  • Koh, Youngsun

    Acting President, Korea Development Institute

  • Kim, Soyoung

    Vice Chairman, Financial Services Commission

  • Maurice Obstfeld

    Professor of Economics, University of California Berkeley

  • Hyun Song Shin

    Economic Adviser and Head of Research, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

  • Ayhan Kose

    Chief Economist & Director of the Prospects Group, World Bank (WB)

  • Tobias Adrian

    Financial Counsellor and Director of Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  • Hiranya Mukhopadhyay

    Chief of Governance Thematic Group, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

  • Jung, Kyu-Chul

    Director of Office of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, Korea Development Institute (KDI)

  • Winfrid Blaschke

    Head of Investment Standards & Capital Flows Unit, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

  • Charles Engel

    Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • Perry Warjiyo

    Governor, Bank Indonesia

  • Dennis Snower

    President, Global Solutions Initiative

  • Alan Taylor

    Professor, University of California Davis

  • Adnan Mazarei

    Senior Non-Resident Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)

  • Choi, Woojin

    Associate Fellow, Korea Development Institute (KDI)

  • William Roos

    Assistant Secretary, Multilateral, Development and Trade Affairs, French Treasury

  • Bambang Brodjonegoro

    Professor, University of Indonesia

  • Stijn Claessens

    Head of Financial Stability Policy, Bank of International Settlements (BIS)

  • Atish Ghosh

    Historian, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  • Yun, Sung-guan

    Head of e-Finance Division, Bank of Korea (BOK)

SEPTEMBER 07 / 2021 10:00 -15:30 (KST)

G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2021

  • TIME
  • VENUEKDI (Youtube Live)
  • HOSTSMinistry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), KDI
Letter of Invitation

We cordially invite you to the G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2021, co-hosted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Korea Development Institute (KDI) and scheduled to take place on September 7, Tuesday. Considering the recent COVID-19 situation, the conference will be held in a hybrid form (online + on-site).

This conference will cover three main themes : 1) The Global Financial Stability Risks and Policy Coordination in the Pandemic Era, 2) The Digital Currency and their Macro-Financial Implications, and 3) Post-Pandemic International Financial Market and System.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact not only on the real economy such as the global supply chain and consumer behavior patterns, but also on domestic and global financial economy as seen from the increasing instability of global capital flows. In addition, the uneven global economic recovery followed by potential monetary policy normalization in some countries can pose a major threat to the global economy. Furthermore, the emergence of digital currency in line with the acceleration of “Economic Digitization” poses a new challenge for all of us.

This conference will enable various scholars and professionals from home and abroad to examine in-depth policy objects together and discuss strategies to ensure global financial stability and solid economic growth, while preparing for the post-pandemic future of the international financial market and system.

We ask for your strong interest and active participation in this event.
Lee Eog-weon
1st Vice Minister,
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), Republic of Korea

Hong, Jang Pyo
President, Korea Development Institute (KDI)
SEPTEMBER 07 / 2021 G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2021
10:00 - 10:30 Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech1
Opening Addresses
1st Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance(MOEF) Republic of Korea
President, Korea Develop Institute(KDI)
Keynote Address
Might the Pandemic Signal the End of Global Economic Convergence?
Professor, Harvard University
10:30 - 10:40 Break
10:40 - 12:00 Session 1. The Global Financial Stability Risks and Policy Coordination in the Pandemic Era
Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Speakers 1
Growth After the Pandemic Global Recession
Chief Economist and Director of the Prospects Group, The World Bank (WB)
Speakers 2
Monetary Policy Spillovers, Capital Flows and Safe Assets
Professor, Princeton University
Financial Counsellor and Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Monetary Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of Minneapolis
Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University, Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
14:00 - 14:10 Break
13:00 - 14:00 Session 2. The Digital Currency and Their Macro-Financial Implications
Director General for International Financial Relations, Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance
Speakers 1
What are Global Stablecoins (GSCs) and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)?
Digital Currency Research Team Head, Bank of Korea
Speakers 2
Exploring The Policy Implications of Digital Currencies
Senior Advisor, Blockchain and Tax, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Associate Professor, Renmin University of China
Director, Ministry of Republic of Indonesia
14:10 - 15:30 Session 3. Post-Pandemic International Financial Market & System
Professor and PH.D, Advisor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Speakers 1
Non-bank financial intermediaries and dollar funding stresses
Economic Adviser and Head of Research, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Speakers 2
Implications on the International Financial System and Future Agendas
Acting Director, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Member of Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England
Professor, Seoul National University
  • Lee Eog-Won

    1st Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance(MOEF) Republic of Korea

  • Hong, jang Pyo

    President, Korea Develop Institute(KDI)

  • Jeffrey Frankel

    Professor, Harvard University

  • Dongchul Cho

    Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management

  • Ayhan Kose

    Chief Economist and Director of the Prospects Group, The World Bank (WB)

  • Markus Brunnermeier

    Professor, Princeton University

  • Tobias Adrian

    Financial Counsellor and Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  • Marco Bassetto

    Monetary Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of Minneapolis

  • Viral Acharya

    Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University, Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India

  • Gelsomina Vigliotti

    Director General for International Financial Relations, Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance

  • Sung-Guan Yun

    Digital Currency Research Team Head, Bank of Korea

  • Caroline Malcolm

    Senior Advisor, Blockchain and Tax, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

  • Yoon Hae Oh

    Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute (KDI)

  • Hua Cheng

    Associate Professor, Renmin University of China

  • Saiful Islam

    Director, Ministry of Republic of Indonesia

  • Mingqi Xu

    Professor and PH.D, Advisor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

  • Hyun song Shin

    Economic Adviser and Head of Research, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

  • Mathilde Mesnard

    Acting Director, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

  • Catherine Mann

    Member of Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England

  • Soyoung Kim

    Professor, Seoul National University

NOVEMBER 05 / 2019 09:00 - 17:50 (KST)

G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2019

  • TIME
  • VENUEThe Lotte Hotel Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • HOSTSMinistry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), KDI
Since its inception in 2013, the Global Financial Stability Conference has been an international forum for leading financial experts at home and abroad to examine risk factors and consider countermeasures for the global financial system.
We’ve reflected on the challenges and achievements during the two crises, the Asian Currency Crisis and the Global Financial Crisis. And we’ve been discussing preemptive measures against newly emerging risk factors that can pose a serious threat to financial stability, from cross-border capital flows to the digital economy.
Recently, uncertainties in the global financial market are further growing due to increasing volatility in capital flows, escalating trade tensions and rising geopolitical risks. In particular, trade conflicts and resulting disruptions in the global value chains are identified as the biggest risk factors to potential growth and financial stability of the global economy.
As financial crises strike us when problems combine in unpredictable and unforeseen ways, it will be meaningful for us to proactively examine and analyze the impact of various risk factors on global financial stability and discuss appropriate countermeasures.
The G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2019, joined by policy makers at home and abroad, experts from academia and international organizations will discuss challenges to global financial stability and pool our wisdom on the role of the G20 and policy coordination for global financial stability.
We cordially invite you to share your insights with us at the Conference.
Yongbeom Kim
1st Vice Minister, 
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), Republic of Korea

Jeongpyo Choi
President, Korea Development Institute (KDI)
NOVEMBER 05 / 2019 G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2019
09:30 - 10:15 Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech
Opening Address
1st Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), Republic of Korea
President, Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Keynote Address
Dean, NUS Business School
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:20 Session 1. Global Financial Environment and Challenges
Professor, Seoul National University
Speaker 1
World Economic Outlook: Global Manufacturing Downturn, Rising Trade Barriers
Deputy Director, Research Department, IMF
Speaker 2
Global Financial Environment and Challenges
Professor, UC Santa Cruz
Speaker 3
A Contagion through Exposures to Foreign Banks
Professor, Korea University
Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Director, International Finance Division, International Department, Bank of Korea
Associate Professor, University of Tokyo
12:20 - 12:30 Break
12:30 - 12:50 Lunch Lecture. Decentralized Financial Technology and Financial Stability
Deputy Division Chief, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF
12:50 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:45 Session 2. Trade Tensions and Global Financial Stability
Trade Tensions and Global Financial Stability
Dean, NUS Business School
Speaker 1
Trade Tensions, Activity, and Financial Stability
Director, Prospects Group, World Bank
Speaker 2
Trade Tensions & Financial Stability: US-China Disputes
Professor, University of Hawaii
Speaker 3
Trade Disputes and Global Economy
Professor, Korea University
Professor, New York University - Abu Dhabi
Professor, KDI School of Public Policy
Professor and Director, Central University of Finance and Economics
15:45 - 16:00 Break
16:00 - 17:50 Session 3. Role of G20 for Financial Stability
Senior Research Fellow, KIEP
Speaker 1
Role of G20 for Financial Stability
Senior Deputy Director General, International Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan
Speaker 2
G20‘s Role in Financial Stability
G20 IFA Lead and the Senior Advisor for the Executive Director, IMF - Saudi Arabia Office
Speaker 3
International Financial Architecture: Challenges Ahead and G20 Agenda
Advisor, Strategy Unit, Strategy, Policy and Review Department, IMF
Speaker 4
Enhancing the Collaboration between the IMF and RFAs: ASEAN+3 perspective
Deputy Director, AMRO
Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Affairs, Trade and Development Policies Department, The French Treasury
Head of Economics and Financial Markets for Asia and the Pacific, BIS
  • Yongbeom Kim

    1st Vice Minister,
    Ministry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), Republic of Korea

  • Jeongpyo Choi

    President, Korea Development Institute (KDI)

  • Andrew K. Rose

    Dean, NUS Business School

  • Soyoung Kim

    Professor, Seoul National University

  • Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti

    Deputy Director, Research Department, IMF

  • Michael Hutchison

    Professor, UC Santa Cruz

  • Kwanho Shin

    Professor, Korea University

  • Alessandro Rebucci

    Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University

  • Cheol-ho Choi

    Director, International Finance Division,
    International Department, Bank of Korea

  • Kenichi Ueda

    Associate Professor, University of Tokyo

  • Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli

    Deputy Division Chief,
    Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF

  • Ayhan Kose

    Director, Prospects Group, World Bank

  • Theresa Greaney

    Professor, University of Hawaii

  • Jong-Wha Lee

    Professor, Korea University

  • Jean Imbs

    Professor, New York University - Abu Dhabi

  • Wook Sohn

    Professor, KDI School of Public Policy

  • Liqing Zhang

    Professor and Director, Central University of Finance and Economics

  • Deok Ryong Yoon

    Senior Research Fellow, KIEP

  • Takashi Miyahara

    Senior Deputy Director General, International Bureau,
    Ministry of Finance, Japan

  • Bandr Alhomaly

    G20 IFA Lead and the Senior Advisor for the Executive Director,
    IMF - Saudi Arabia Office

  • Ana Corbacho

    Advisor, Strategy Unit, Strategy, Policy and Review Department, IMF

  • Yoon Kyung Kim

    Deputy Director, AMRO

  • Guillaume Chabert

    Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Affairs, Trade and Development Policies Department, The French Treasury

  • Ilhyock Shim

    Head of Economics and Financial Markets for Asia and the Pacific, BIS

JUNE 14 / 2018 09:30 - 17:50 (KST)

G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2018

  • TIME
  • VENUEDynasty Hall, The Shilla Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • HOSTSMinistry of Strategy and Finance (MOSF), Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Letter of Invitation

A decade ago, the world economy faced a financial crisis, considered as the worst since the Great Depression. To overcome the crisis, major countries have employed unprecedented expansionary macroeconomic policies, and have promoted international policy coordination, centered around the G20. Thanks to the efforts, the global economy has bounced back.

However, the uncertainties stemming from normalization of monetary policy and spreading protectionsim are perceived as risk factors in the global market. Also, the advent of digital economy including crypto-assets is likely to pose challenges to financial systems. It is therefore meaningful to identify potential risk factors and proactive countermeasures to global financial stability.

The G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2018, joined by policymakers and experts from academia and international organizations, will reflect on the roles and achievements of the G20 is overcoming the crisis as well as cross-border capital flows and financial safety nets since then. Moreover, the impact of digital economy on financial stability and considerations for policy coordination will be discussed.

We cordially invite you to share your insights with us.

June 2018
Kunil Hwang
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Republic of Korea

Jeong Pye Choi
President, KDI
JUNE 14 / 2018 G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2018
09:30 - 10:15 Opening Address & Keynote Speech
Opening Address
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea
President, KDI
Keynote Address
Professor, UC Berkeley
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:20 Session 1. The G20, a Decade after the Global Financial Crisis: Achievements and Challenges
Professor, UC Berkeley
Speaker 1
The case of Financial Reforms
Former Secretary General, Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Speaker 2
A Decade after the Global Financial Crisis: Promoting Finanical Stability in Asia
Professor, Tokyo University
Speaker 3
The G20, a Decade after the Global Financial Crisis: Achievements and Challenges
Former Senior Fellow, Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Director International Financial Architecture, G20 Unit, Ministry of the Treasury of Argentina
Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Affairs, Trade and Development Policies Dept., The French Treasury
12:20 - 12:45 Lunch Lecture. Crypto-asset and its underlying technology
Senior Research Director, Funds Management and Banking Dept., Bank of Canada
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 -15:40 Session 2: Capital Flows and Global Financial Safety Net
Professor, Seoul National University
Speaker 1
The IMF’s Institutional View on Capital Flows and Its Application in Surveillance
Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy and Review Dept., IMF
Speaker 2
Macroprudential Policy Cooperation: An Expanded Role for the FSB?
Professor, Wisconsin University
Speaker 3
Strengthening the Global Financial Safety Net: Safeguarding Financial Stability amidst Volatile Capital Flows
Deputy Director, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)
Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea
Senior Economist, European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
16:00 - 17:50 Session 3: Changes in Capital Flows in the Era of Digital Economy
Chief Anchor, Arirang TV
Speaker 1
Will Cryptocurrencies Disintermediate Banks?
Professor, UC Santa Barbara
Speaker 2
Central Bank Cryptocurrencies
Managing Director, Center for Innovative Finance, University of Base
Speaker 3
Update on the FSB Work on Crypto-assets
Member of Secretariat, Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Director General, International Macroeconomics & Finance Dept., Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Deputy General Counsel, Legal Dept., IMF
Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Financial Services Agency of Japan
  • Kunil Hwang

    Deputy Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea

  • Jeong Pyo Chol

    President, KDI

  • Barry Eichengreen

    Professor, UC Berkeley

  • Svein Andresen

    Former Secretary General, Financial Stability Board (FSB)

  • Masahiro Kawai

    Professor, Tokyo University

  • Barry Carin

    Former Senior Fellow, Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

  • Wonhyuk Lim

    Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management

  • Maia Colodenco

    Director International Financial Architecture, G20 Unit, Ministry of the Treasury of Argentina

  • Guillaume Chabert

    Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Affairs, Trade and Development Policies Dept., The French Treasury

  • James Chapman

    Senior Research Director, Funds Management and Banking Dept., Bank of Canada

  • Soyoung Kim

    Professor, Seoul National University

  • Petya Koeva Brooks

    Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy and Review Dept., IMF

  • Charles Engel

    Professor, Wisconsin University

  • Yasuto Watanabe

    Deputy Director, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)

  • Weon-Kyoung Jo

    Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea

  • Gong Cheng

    Senior Economist, European Stability Mechanism (ESM)

  • Jennifer Moon

    Chief Anchor, Arirang TV

  • Rodney J. Garratt

    Professor, UC Santa Barbara

  • Fabian Schär

    Managing Director, Center for Innovative Finance, University of Base

  • Yasushi Shiina

    Member of Secretariat, Financial Stability Board (FSB)

  • Sungbae An

    Director General, International Macroeconomics & Finance Dept., Korea Institute for
    International Economic Policy (KIEP)

  • Ross Leckow

    Deputy General Counsel, Legal Dept., IMF

  • Shigeru Ariizumi

    Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Financial Services Agency of Japan

NOVEMBER 15 / 2017 09:30 - 17:00 (KST)

Global Financial Stability Conference 2017

  • TIME
  • VENUEConrad Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • HOSTSMinistry of Strategy and Finance, KDI
Letter of Invitation
Twenty years have passed since the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. The Korean economy at the time had experienced unprecedented difficulties, triggered by the sudden outflow of capital and the depletion of foreign exchange reserves. With the concerted efforts of Korean people, however, Korea managed to overcome the crisis, achieving a sound external position and reinforcing its capacities to manage systemic risks.
Recently the world economy is showing signs of recovery. However, there are a number of risk factors including the normalization of monetary policy in advanced economies, uncertainties around trade protectionism, and a slowdown of productivity growth. To prevent such risks from precipitating another crisis, pre-emptive measures and cross-border policy coordination are necessary and such efforts shall begin by reviewing the lessons from the past.
The Global Financial Stability Conference 2017: The Asian Crisis 20 Years Later will provide a meaningful opportunity to revisit the policy environments and responses of Asian countries twenty years ago and to have in-depth discussions on the global financial system and safety net with policymakers and international finance experts from academia and international organizations. We cordially invite you to the Conference in Seoul, and sincerely hope you will join us.
Hyoung-Kwon Ko
Vice Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finace, Republic of Korea

Joon-Kyung Kim
President, KDI
NOVEMBER 15 / 2017 Global Financial Stability Conference 2017
09:30 - 10:15 Opening Address & Keynote Speech
Opening Address
Vice Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea
President, KDI
Keynote Speech
An Evaluation of International Economic Coordination in the Asian Crises
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Session 1. The Global Financial System and the Asian Financial Crisis
Executive Director, IMF
Speaker 1
Managing Global Liquidity in the Financial System
Professor, Georgetown University
Speaker 2
1997-1998 Asian Crises Lessons Lost?
Senior Visiting Fellow, Khazanah Research Institute
Speaker 3
International Monetary and Financial System: Developments and Challenges of Asian Countries since Asian Crisis
Professor, Seoul National University
Lessons from the Two Crises
Advisor, Research Department, IMF
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)
12:00 - 13:30 Break
13:30 - 15:00 Session 2. The Asian Financial Crisis: Country Cases
Director, Global Economy Research Division, KDI
Speaker 1
Overcoming the 1997-98 Crisis
Member of Monetary Policy Board, Bank of Korea
Speaker 2
Miracle and Debacle in Southeast Asia
Senior Visiting Fellow, Khazanah Research Institute
Speaker 3
Why did Asian Countries Fare much better during Global Financial Crisis than during Asian Financial Crisis?
Principal Economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, ADB
Director General, International Finance Bureau, Minister of Strategy and Finance, Korea
Distinguished Honorary Professor, Kyung Hee University
15:00 - 15:15 Break
15:15 - 17:00 Session 3. Prospects and Policy Implications for Global Financial Stability
Member of Advisory Panel, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)
Speaker 1
Economic Risk and Resilience in Asia: What‘s Changed since the AFC? What more can be done to Improve Crisis Preparedness?
Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution
Speaker 2
Developing CMIM and AMRO
Deputy Director, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)
Speaker 3
Global Financial Outlook and Risk
Executive Managing Director, Institute for International Finance (IIF)
Professor, Georgetown University
Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
  • Hyoung-kwon Ko

    Vice Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea

  • Joon-Kyung Kim

    President, KDI

  • Edwin Truman

    Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)

  • Heenam Choi

    Executive Director, IMF

  • Anoop Singh

    Professor, Georgetown University

  • Jomo Kwame Sundaram

    Senior Visiting Fellow, Khazanah Research Institute

  • Soyoung Kim

    Professor, Seoul National University

  • Jun Il Kim

    Advisor, Research Department, IMF

  • Wonhyuk Lim

    Director, Global Economy Research Division, KDI

  • Dongchul Cho

    Member of Monetary Policy Board, Bank of Korea

  • Donghyun Park

    Principal Economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, ADB

  • Yoon Kyung Kim

    Director General, International Finance Bureau, Minister of Strategy and Finance, Korea

  • William Mako

    Distinguished Honorary Professor, Kyung Hee University

  • Kyung Wook Hur

    Member of Advisory Panel, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)

  • Hung Tran

    Executive Managing Director, Institute for International Finance (IIF)

  • Barry Sterland

    Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution

  • Yasuto Watanabe

    Deputy Director, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)

  • Deok Ryong Yoon

    Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

JULY 26 / 2016 09:30 - 18:00 (KST)

Global Financial Stability Conference 2016

  • TIME
  • VENUEThe Westin Chosun Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • HOSTSMinistry of Economy and Finance (MOEF), KDI

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Global Financial Stability Conference 2016, jointly organized by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Republic of Korea and Korea Development Institute, held on July 26th at The Westin Chosun Seoul, Korea.
The macroeconomic implications of the UK’s Brexit referendum last month were yet another reminder of the increased interconnectivity of the global economy. Many of us have learned over the years that any one political, economic, or social uncertainty, seemingly confined to an individual country, could trigger global financial instability such as rapid capital flows or severe exchange rate fluctuations.
In order to safeguard the financial stability of the world economy amidst uncertainties and potential risks, it is essential to build a seamless global financial safety net based on cross-border coordination of macroeconomic policies. In particular, there is an increasing need for comprehensive and in-depth analyses on newly emerging instruments such as regional financial arrangements and capital flow management, in addition to traditional measures such as foreign exchange reserves, currency swaps, and IMF loans. In this context, the upcoming conference will offer a meaningful occasion for policy makers and experts from governments, international organizations, and academia to share research findings and experiences on international capital flows, the global financial safety net and the international monetary system.
Once again, we sincerely hope you will join us in Seoul for a meaningful discussion on strengthening the global financial safety net. Thank you for your interest and support.
Inchang Song
Deputy Minister for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Strategy and Finance

Joon-Kyung Kim
President, Korea Development Institute
JULY 26 / 2016 Global Financial Stability Conference 2016
09:30 - 10:15 Opening Remarks & Keynote Speech
Opening Remarks
Deputy Minister for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea
President, Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Keynote Speech
Reflections on the Financial System
Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:15 Session 1. Capital Flows & Policy Responses
Professor and Honorary Dean, National School of Development, Peking University
Speaker 1
GLOBAL Liquidity and Procyclicality
Economic Adviser and Head of Research, Bank for International Settlements
Speaker 2
International Capital Flows: Preferences, Pathologies, and a Patchwork of Policy Responses
Professor of Economics, University of Oxford
Speaker 3
Horton Professor of Economics, Claremont Graduate University
Executive Director, World Bank
Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University
12:15 - 13:15 Luncheon
13:15 - 14:45 Session 2. Global Financial Safety Net & International Monetary System
Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Speaker 1
Director of Global Economy Program, Centre for International Governance Innovation
Speaker 2
From the International Issuer of Last Resort to the International Lender of Last Resort
Professor of Economics and Finance, Torcuato Di Tella University
Speaker 3
Measuring the Size and Effectiveness of the Global Financial Safety Net
Professor of International Economics, The Graduate Institute, Geneva
Professor, School of International Service, American University
Director General, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea
14:45 - 15:00 Break
15:00 - 16:30 Session 3. Regional Financial Arrangements Ⅰ
Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
Speaker 1
The Role of Regional Financial Firewalls in Safeguarding Financial Stability: a European Perspective
Managing Director, European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
Head, Investment Project Group, Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)
Professor of Economics, University of Oxford
Assistant Deputy Minister, Department of Finance, Canada
16:30 - 16:45 Break
16:45 - 18:00 Session 3. Regional Financial Arrangements Ⅱ
Professor, School of International Service, American University
Speaker 1
Regional Financing Arrangement in Asia: Future Prospects
Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo
Speaker 2
Recent CMIM/AMRO Developments, and Key Issues/Challenges
Senior Economist, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)
Director of Global Economy Program, Centre for International Governance Innovation
Professor, Hitotsubashi University
  • In-Chang Song

    Deputy Minister for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea

  • Joon-Kyung Kim

    President, Korea Development Institute (KDI)

  • Richard N. Cooper

    Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University

  • Justin Yifu Lin

    Professor and Honorary Dean, National School of Development, Peking University

  • Hyun Song Shin

    Economic Adviser and Head of Research, Bank for International Settlements

  • David Vines

    Professor of Economics, University of Oxford

  • Thomas Willett

    Horton Professor of Economics, Claremont Graduate University

  • Heenam Choi

    Executive Director, World Bank

  • Wonhyuk Lim

    Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management

  • Domenico Lombardi

    Director of Global Economy Program, Centre for International Governance Innovation

  • Eduardo Levy Yeyati

    Professor of Economics and Finance, Torcuato Di Tella University

  • Ugo Panizza

    Professor of International Economics, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

  • Seoungho Jin

    Director General, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea

  • Linda Ward

    Principal Adviser, International Policy and Engagement Division, Department of the Treasury, Australia

  • Marc Uzan

    Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee

  • Klaus Regling

    Managing Director, European Stability Mechanism (ESM)

  • Alexey Cherekaev

    Head, Investment Project Group, Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)

  • Rick Stewart

    Assistant Deputy Minister, Department of Finance, Canada

  • Randall Henning

    Professor, School of International Service, American University

  • Masahiro Kawai

    Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo

  • Anthony Tan

    Senior Economist, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO)

  • Eiji Ogawa

    Professor, Hitotsubashi University

JUNE 22 / 2015 09:00 - 18:00 (KST)

Global Financial Stability Conference 2015

  • TIME
  • VENUEThe Westin Chosun Seoul, KOREA


It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Global Financial Stability Conference, jointly organized by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Republic of Korea and Korea Development Institute, to be held on June 22-23 at the Westin Chosun in Seoul, Korea.

While the Fed is eyeing a first rise in interest rates in nearly 10 years, the ECB and BOJ, conversely, are in full loosening mode, having launched a quantitative easing program. Now is the appropriate time to discuss international policy coordination to ensure that the looming Fed’s rate rise does not trigger financial turmoil such as sudden reversal of capital movement and exchange rate fluctuation amid the growing divergence in monetary policies of advanced countries.

In particular, it is important to preemptively set up a multi-layered global financial safety net encompassing multinational institutions globally and regionally, and individual countries’ own defenses. There is an increasing need for an in-depth research and analysis on new emerging instruments such as Regional Financing Arrangements (RFAs) and Capital Flow Management Measures (CFMs) in addition to traditional safety nets such as FX reserves, currency-swap arrangement and IMF loans. In this context, the upcoming conference will be a meaningful occasion to share research findings and experiences of policy makers and experts from International organizations and academia on RFAs and CFMs.

We expect that this conference to help develop concrete, substantial and workable cooperation measures that strengthen the global financial safety net. We look forward to your interest and participation in the Global Financial Stability Conference.

Heenam Choi
Deputy Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Strategy and Finance

Joon-Kyung Kim
Korea Development Institute, Republic of Korea
JUNE 22 / 2015 Global Financial Stability Conference 2015
09:00 - 09:20 Welcoming Ceremony
Opening Remarks
Deputy Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea
Welcoming Remarks
President, Korea Development Institute
Congratulatory Remarks
Managing Editor, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, and Professor, Southern Illinois University
09:20 - 10:40 Session 1. KDI-EMFT 1
Managing Editor, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, and Professor, Southern Illinois University
Speaker 1
International Asset Allocations and Capital Flows: The Benchmark Effect
Lead Economist, World Bank
Speaker 2
International Reserves and Gross Capital Flows Dynamics
Senior Researcher, European Stability Mechanism
Speaker 3
Capital Flows during Quantitative Easing and Aftermath: Experiences of Asian Countries
Principal Economist, Asian Development Bank
Head of Advanced Economies Division, Bank of Canada
Researcher, Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp
Fellow, Department of Macroeconomic Policy, Korea Development Institute
10:40 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:20 Session 2. KDI-EMFT 2
Lead Economist, World Bank
Speaker 1
Countercyclical Bank Captital Requirement and Optimized Monetary Policy Rules
Senior Economist, Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund
Speaker 2
Interconnectedness of the banking sector as a vulnerability to crises
Professor, Hanken School of Economics
Speaker 3
Central Bank Currency Swaps and the International Monetary System
Deputy-Director, CEPII : the French Centre d‘Etudes Prospectives et d‘Informations Internationales
Professor, Hanken School of Economics
Senior Lecturer, University of London Senior Research Fellow, German Development Institute
Principal Economist, Asian Development Bank
12:20 - 14:30 Lunch: Luncheon Lecture
Luncheon Lecture
Challenges and Prospects for Strengthening the Global Financial Safety Nets
Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania
14:30 - 15:50 Session 3. KDI-EMFT 3
Senior Economist, Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund
Speaker 1
Towards the Development of a Global Financial Safety Net or a Segmentation of the Global Financial Architecture?
Senior Lecturer, University of London Senior Research Fellow, German Development Institute
Speaker 2
Optimal International Reserves in the Presence of a Global Financial Safety Net: A Theoretical Model for Low-Income Countries
Researcher, Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp
Speaker 3
The Role of the IMF in the Post-Crisis World
Head of Advanced Economies Division, Bank of Canada
Deputy-Director, CEPII : the French Centre d‘Etudes Prospectives et d‘Informations Internationales
Associate Fellow, Department of Macroeconomic Policy, Korea Development Institute
Senior Researcher, European Stability Mechanism
15:50 - 16:10 Break
16:10 - 18:00 Session 4. Regional Financial Arrangements
Regional Financial Arrangements: A Survey of the Literature and Recent Development
Professor, Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management
Speaker 1
RFAs role in the Global Financial Architecture: The case of the Latin American Reserve Fund
Director of Economic Studies, FLAR : Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas
Speaker 2
European Financial Stability Facility & European Stability Mechanism
Acting Head of Economics and Market Analysis, European Stability Mechanism
Speaker 3
Director, Investment Project Group Anti-Crisis Fund, Eurasian Development Bank
Speaker 4
Senior Legal Advisor, AMRO: Asean+3 Macroeconomic Research Office
Regional financial Arrangements and the Global Financial Safety Net
Deputy Chief, Emerging Markets Division, International Monetary Fund
Professor, Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management
Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of Korea
Professor, American University
  • Heenam Choi

    Deputy Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea

  • Joon-Kyung Kim

    President, Korea Development Institute

  • Ali M. Kutan

    Managing Editor, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, and Professor, Southern Illinois University

  • Sergio L. Schmukler

    Lead Economist, World Bank

  • Aitor Erce

    Senior Researcher, European Stability Mechanism

  • Donghyun Park

    Principal Economist, Asian Development Bank

  • Robert Lavigne

    Head of Advanced Economies Division, Bank of Canada

  • Dennis Essers

    Researcher, Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp

  • Daehee Jeong

    Fellow, Department of Macroeconomic Policy, Korea Development Institute

  • Carlos de Resende

    Senior Economist, Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund

  • Peter Sarlin

    Professor, Hanken School of Economics

  • Christophe Destais

    Deputy-Director, CEPII : the French Centre d‘Etudes Prospectives et d‘Informations Internationales

  • Choongsoo Kim

    Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania

  • Ulrich Volz

    Senior Lecturer, University of London
    Senior Research Fellow, German Development Institute

  • Kyu-Chul Jung

    Associate Fellow, Department of Macroeconomic Policy, Korea Development Institute

  • Wook Sohn

    Professor, Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management

  • Carlos Montoro

    Director of Economic Studies, FLAR : Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas

  • Juan Rojas

    Acting Head of Economics and Market Analysis, European Stability Mechanism

  • Alexey Cherekaev

    Director, Investment Project Group Anti-Crisis Fund, Eurasian Development Bank

  • Beomhee Han

    Senior Legal Advisor, AMRO: Asean+3 Macroeconomic Research Office

  • Nathan Porter

    Deputy Chief, Emerging Markets Division, International Monetary Fund

  • Randall Henning

    Professor, American University

  • Kyung-Wook Hur

    Professor, Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management

  • Woosik Moon

    Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of Korea

DECEMBER 18 / 2013 09:00 - 22:00 (KST)

G20 Seoul Conference

  • TIME
  • VENUEThe Shilla Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • HOSTSMinistry of Strategy and Finance of Korea, Australian Treasury

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Korea and the Australian Treasury are pleased to invite you to the G20 Seoul Conference which will take place in Seoul, Korea, on 18-19 December 2013, just after the G20 Finance and Central Ban Deputies’ Meeting in Canberra on 15-16 December.

The Conference will provide a valuable occasion to recall G20’s achievements and discuss its prospects and visions, to examine how to improve G20 discussions around recent monetary policies of advanced economies, their impact on emerging markets and the range of possible policy responses. It will also provide the opportunity to examine the role of t global safety net, including Regional Financial Arrangements (RFAs).

Speakers and discussants will include government officials and central bankers of the G20 and other countries, staff of international organizations and researchers with extensive knowledge and experiences on this area.

Following the 2008 global financial crisis, decisive actions of central banks across advanced economies significantly red tail risks and supported the global recovery. However, they also had significant spillover effects. We have recently seen a increase in the volatility of capital flows due to expectations of eventual monetary policy recalibration in advanced economies. At this juncture, the Conference would be a timely endeavor to analyze the evidence base for measuring an monitoring this major challenge in the global economy and explore possible policy responses.

It is also appropriate to have a pragmatic and detailed discussion on the global safety net, including the role of RFAs, an how well safety nets have operated. Further, as you might recall, at the last G20 Summit in St Petersburg our leaders as Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to follow the developments and progress in the IMF-RFA cooperation, as as the dialogue among RFAs. The Conference will be part of an effort to fulfill these commitments. In particular, it will ex ways to enable the sharing of RFA experiences and practices and to facilitate cooperation with the IMF.

We hope that sharing knowledge and experiences during the Conference will result in a more constructive discussion on G20 issues. We look forward to seeing you in Seoul.

Thank you
Oh-Seok Hyen
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, Republic of Korea
DECEMBER 18 / 2013 G20 Seoul Conference
09:00 - 09:20 Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, Korea
President, Korea Development Institute
President, Korea Institute of Finance
09:20 - 10:50 Session 1. G20‘s Achievements and Prospects
Ambassador for International Cooperation and G20 Sherpa, Korea
Speaker 1
Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group, Australian Treasury
Speaker 2
Road to Action-Oriented G20
Deputy Minister for International Economic Affairs, Korea
Speaker 3
Five Years on from Its Rise - The G20: Stock-taking and the Future
Undersecretary of Treasury, Turkey
Speaker 4
Associate Deputy Minister of Finance, Canada
10:50 - 11:05 Break
11:05 - 12:50 Session 2. Global Economy Outlook and Spillovers
Deputy Governor, Bank of Korea
Speaker 1
How Indonesia Deals with Global Economic Spillover: Policy Responses, Challenges, and Outlook
Vice Minister of Finance, Indonesia
Speaker 2
World Economic Outlook and Policy Spillovers
Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy, and Review Department, IMF
Speaker 3
Global liquidity beyond capital flows
Senior Adviser, Monetary and Economic Department, BIS
Speaker 4
Emerging Markets Capital Flows
Global Head of Fixed-income Research, JP Morgan
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:10 - 15:55 Session 3. Policy Responses to Spillovers
Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
Speaker 1
International coordination in addressing spillovers
Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance,I ndia
Speaker 2
Associate Deputy Minister of Finance, Canada
Speaker 3
Managing Monetary Policy Spillovers
Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank
Speaker 4
Heading for the exit: will policy coordination help managing the ‘new normal’?
Director of International Economics Research, Chatham House
15:55 - 16:15 Break
16:15 - 18:00 Session 4. The Role of Global Financial Safety Net
General Manager, G20 Policy Division, Australian Treasury
Speaker 1
The Global Safety Net The European Experience
Head of Strategy and Institutional Relations,European Stability Mechanism
Speaker 2
Strengthening the Global Financial Safety Net for Emerging Markets: What Next?
Director, G-24 Secretariat
Speaker 3
The Size and Composition of the Global Safety Net
Professor of Economics, University of Oxford
Speaker 4
Global Financial Safety Net: Fragmentation or Coherence?
Professor, American University
Speaker 5
Director, Center for International Governance Innovation
  • Oh-Seok Hyun

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, Korea

  • Joon-Kyung Kim

    President, Korea Development Institute

  • Chang-Hyun Yun

    President, Korea Institute of Finance

  • Il Houng Lee

    Ambassador for International Cooperation and G20 Sherpa, Korea

  • Barry Sterland

    Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group, Australian Treasury

  • Sung-Soo Eun

    Deputy Minister for International Economic Affairs, Korea

  • Ibrahim Canakci

    Undersecretary of Treasury, Turkey

  • Jean Boivin

    Associate Deputy Minister of Finance, Canada

  • Young Kyung Suh

    Deputy Governor, Bank of Korea

  • Bambang Brodjonegoro

    Vice Minister of Finance, Indonesia

  • Tamim Bayoumi

    Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy, and Review Department, IMF

  • Robert McCauley

    Senior Adviser, Monetary and Economic Department, BIS

  • Joyce Chang

    Global Head of Fixed-income Research, JP Morgan

  • Marc Uzan

    Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee

  • Arvind Mayaram

    Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance,I ndia

  • Changyong Rhee

    Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank

  • Paola Subacchi

    Director of International Economics Research, Chatham House

  • HK Holdaway

    General Manager, G20 Policy Division, Australian Treasury

  • Nicola Giammarioli

    Head of Strategy and Institutional Relations,European Stability Mechanism

  • Amar Bhattacharya

    Director, G-24 Secretariat

  • David Vines

    Professor of Economics, University of Oxford

  • Randall Henning

    Professor, American University

  • Domenico Lombardi

    Director, Center for International Governance Innovation

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G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2021